Frequently asked questions

Email our Supporter Relations Team or call us on 0800 716 146 and we'd be happy to help.

Or, take a look at some commonly asked questions to see if you can find what you're after.

You should have a thank you email from us confirming that your donation has been received. You should also have a confirmation email from Worldpay with a transaction ID you can use for tracking – note: there is sometimes a delay in receiving this email.

If neither email appears in your inbox, please check your junk/spam folder and if you have not received either email at all, please check with your bank.

If you need further assistance, our Supporter Relations team would be happy to help you - please email them or call 0800 716 146.

Gift Aid is a scheme introduced by HM Revenue and Customs which allows us to claim an extra 25p for every £1 that you donate - at no extra cost to you. For more detailed information on Gift Aid, visit our Gift Aid Explained page.
We are sorry to see you go but should you wish to cancel your direct debit, please contact our Supporter Relations Team directly on 0800 716 146.

There are lots of ways you can fundraise for us be it through volunteering, joining a fundraising group or hosting a tea party. Please take a moment to see how you could fundraise for us or download our fundraising toolkit to give you more help and advice.

Please make your cheque payable to Marie Curie and send your donation to:

Supporter Relations Team
PO Box 23897
14 Links Place
Edinburgh EH6 9AB

Yes, please call Supporter Relations on 0800 716 146. You can also donate quickly and securely online.

Please contact our Supporter Relations Team on 0800 716 146.

If you donate online you will receive an email to confirm receipt of your gift. If you donate by post or over the phone, we will send you a confirmation letter, unless you have already told us you would prefer not to receive one.

There are a number of ways you can give to Marie Curie through your Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) account.

Read more about donating from your CAF account

Yes. We can provide materials such as donation envelopes, including Gift Aid forms, and a bereavement guide. Many families find this useful at this difficult time and we can offer you up to fifty copies to distribute to your clients.



Donate today and help ensure a better end of life for all.

Where your money goes

See how we use the money you donate to care for and support people with a terminal illness.
Where your money goes