Supporting your employees and colleagues through bereavement

Small changes can make a big difference to people who are grieving at work. Find information, templates and examples here on how to better support the people you work with through bereavement.

How your organisation can work with Marie Curie

There are different ways that your organisation can work with Marie Curie.

The Day of Reflection

This is a day to support the millions of people who've been bereaved during the pandemic and to reflect on the lives of the people we've lost. In 2021, over 850 organisations of all shapes and sizes came together to support National Day of Reflection.

Sign your organisation up to the National Day of Reflection.

Support Marie Curie

There are a lot of ways that your organisation can get involved in supporting Marie Curie.

Find out more about becoming a corporate partner.

Understanding grief

Anger in grief

Why we need to talk about anger in grief

It is common to experience feelings of anger after the loss of a loved one. But these feelings can be difficult to talk about.
Why we need to talk about anger in grief
Anicipatory grief

What is anticipatory grief?

Most of us think of grief as something which happens after a death. In fact, grief can start a long time beforehand.
What is anticipatory grief?